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Passionné par l'histoire militaire, j'ai voulu en apprendre le plus possible sur la guerre de 1870, en utilisant comme fil conducteur le fusil Chassepot.

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This product will be available by the 16/12/2024.
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This book will be reissued with, above all, a significant update of the content ?

Corrections and additions will be very important, in fact, it will contain more than 100 additional pages.

The book will be released by the end of 2024. The pre-sale will take place in a few weeks.​


For centuries, France has participated in many conflicts: in 1857, there were still sixteen veterans of the battles of the Revolution and the Empire in my village. They received the medal of Saint Helena. My youth was rocked by the stories of my elders and friends: fighters from Indochina, Algeria, Korea or the maquis; of my father or my uncles who had participated in the Second World War; of my grandfathers, veterans of 1914-1918. They themselves had testimonies of the 1870-71 war from their parents.
This is how when I was seven or eight years old, my grandfather's cousin René Tourault (officer of the Legion of Honor, lieutenant in the 501st Assault Artillery Regiment in 1918) whose parents had experienced the Prussian occupation in Rambouillet, taught me this little song:

Passionate about military history, I wanted to learn as much as possible about the war of 1870, using the Chassepot rifle as a common thread and I invite you to share the result of my research: how it was developed, manufactured and used in combat.

What were its qualities and its defects, compared to those of its adversaries and how to discover today the pleasures of shooting with this old weapon.

388 pages and more than 1000 color photos, B&W and engravings.

Hardcover. Limited edition of 500 copies.

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